Study in Baden-Württemberg

International students are not only an essential part of our universities, but of Baden-Württemberg as a whole. Over the past 20 years, the number of international students in the state has risen by 300 percent, and science, research and the exchange of ideas at our universities benefit greatly from their presence. These students know that Baden-Württemberg is truly an outstanding place to study.

With over 70 universities, 3.408-degree programs, multiple nationally distinguished universities of excellence, and an EU best nearly 5% of state GDP invested in research and development, Baden-Württemberg will continue to be a top destination for the best students and universities in Germany.

Here is the list of documents you usually need for the enrolment at the university. The documents might differ from university to university and depending on the program. If you have any further questions, get in touch with us or check this page Create the Future | career start bw (

  • high school diploma
  • bachelor or master diploma
  • translation of your certificates and grades into German 
  • submit your translation to to translate Ukrainian grades into German
  • provide language proficiency certificate (depends on a program)
  • copy of the ID (passport)

The hotline is available Monday to Thursday from 10:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00 CET.

